I love writing, though I do not say much that is new or profound. That writing takes the form of books, papers, blog posts and short articles.
- Books: Broadly speaking, my books fall into three areas: corporate finance, valuation and investments/portfolio management. A few of these books are text books, in the sense that they are structured with problems at the end of each chapter, but there is no reason why you should not use any of my others in a classroom, especially if they are cheaper. Many of my books are obscenely over priced and all I can say is that I am sorry! I am working constantly on trying to get cheaper editions of the books available and on rational pricing, but it is an uphill fight against the publishing status quo.
- Papers: This will get me shunned in the academic world, but who cares? I don't do academic research or write to be published any more. Life is too short to be spent writing for an echo chamber and rewriting to meet the often arbitrary demands of a reviewer. I write only on topics (a) that interest me and (b) may be useful to practitioners and you will find them at the link, though not always organized well.
- Blog posts: I must confess that about half my writing in the last five years has been on blog posts on a variety of topics in finance. Again, I have only two criteria that I use for a post: (a) it has to be something that interests me and (b) I have to believe (perhaps wrongly) that I have something original to say.
- Articles/Opinion Pieces: I do sometimes write for the financial press and this link has a selected list of the articles that I have written in the last few years.