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My data sets have evolved and grown over time, and I have to switch raw data providers as well. Since some of you use this data over time, I decided it would be a good idea to list the changes and add-ons, by year. Since I came to his blinding realization in 2020, I will start with 2020 and try to back fill earlier years, if I can.

Changes made/Add ons
2020 Historical Returns on US stocks and bonds (histretSP.xls): I have added Aaa and Baa corporate bond returns to the mix, and also reported the returns on a real basis. Fuller dataset for comparison
Debt statistics & ratios (dbtfund.xls & debtdetails.xls): Added accounting estimates of lease debt to datasets. IFRS & GAAP required companies to convert lease commitments to debt in 2019.
2021 COVID effect on market cap and operating statistics COVID upended some industries and had disparate effects across others.