Riskfree Rate | Treasury rates: US
Government rates: Other |
Risk Premium | Historical: US
Country Rating Implied Premium: US Country premiums
https://www.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar (Updated data)
Moodys: http://www.moodys.com (Click on sovereign ratings) S&P: http://www.standardandpoors.com (for dividends and buybacks, check under indices and the S&P 500) https://www.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar (Updated data) |
Risk Parameters | Beta: Market Regression
Bottom-up Beta Leverage Business Breakdown |
https://www.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar (Updated data) https://www.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar (Updated data: Sector betas) http://www.sec.gov/edgarhp.htm (Segment breakdown in 10-K) |
Cost of Debt | Bond Rating
Synthetic Rating Default Spreads
Marginal tax rate |
For spreads, try the Federal Reserve data site (FRED) and look for Merrill Lynch Indices for different bond ratings. https://www.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar (Spreadsheets: ratings.xls) http://img.en25.com/Web/StandardandPoors/SP_CreditRatingsGuide.pdf (for understanding the ratings process) https://people.stern.nyu.edu/adamodar/New_Home_Page/datafile/countrytaxrate.htm (KPMG tax rates) |
Weights | Market Value of Equity
Market Value of Debt |
(Type symbol for quick report and check under valuation)
http://www.sec.gov/edgarhp.htm (Debt maturity will be footnote to 10-K)) |
Cash Flows | Earnings Checks
Operating Leases Net Capital Expenditures R & D Expenses Working Capital |
https://www.sec.gov/edgar/searchedgar/companysearch.html (Check details of 10-k, 10-Q)
http://www.morningstar.com (Type symbol for quick report and check under financials for last 5 years) https://www.sec.gov/edgar/searchedgar/companysearch.html (Footnote to 10-K) https://www.sec.gov/edgar/searchedgar/companysearch.html (Statement of Cash Flows) https://www.sec.gov/edgar/searchedgar/companysearch.html (Statement of Cash Flows) https://www.sec.gov/edgar/searchedgar/companysearch.html (Statement of Cash Flows) (All of the above data will also be in an annual report. You can try http://www.reportgallery.com or try ******.com where ***** is the name of your firm) |
Growth | Historical Growth
Analyst forecast of growth
Fundamental Growth |
https://www.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar (Updated
data, for sector growth)
http://www.morningstar.com (Type symbol for quick report and check under Growth rates for 3 yr number) http://www.zacks.com (for EPS next year and recommendations) http://www.morningstar.com (Type symbol for quick report and check Growth rates for 5-yr projection)) https://www.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar (Updated data for sector fundamentals) |
Growth Patterns | Barriers to Entry
Stable Growth Inputs: Industry |
https://www.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar (Updated data) |
Normalizing Earnings | Industry Average Margin | https://www.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar (Updated data) |
Other Valuation Issues | Cash
Options outstanding |
http://www.sec.gov/edgarhp.htm (Balance Sheet) |
Relative Valuation | Multiples for comparables
Fundamentals for comparables |
(To screen a sector or market by multiple)
http://biz.yahoo.com/research/indgrp (click for companies in each sector; you can get fundamentals on each separately in Profile) |
Option Pricing Models | Valuing troubled firms
Valuing natural resource firms Valuing patents |
https://www.sec.gov/edgar/searchedgar/companysearch.html (for debt and maturity)
https://www.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar (Updated data: Sector variances) |