sit3 map
Primers on background topics
Glossary and Terms
  1. Accounting
  2. Statistics
  3. Present Value
  4. Statistical Distributions
  5. Risk aversion
  1. Glossary of financial terms
  2. Financial ratios and measures

Corporate Finance

Portfolio Management

You can also find more supporting material if you check the web sites for the books.

  1. Books on corporate finance
  2. Class Content (Stern MBA)
  3. Material by topic
  4. Supporting Material
  1. Books on valuation
  2. Class Content
  3. Material by topic
  4. Supporting Material
  1. Books on portfolio management
  2. Class Content
  3. Material by topic
  4. Supporting Material
Books and Supporting Material
Updated Data

You will find all of the spreadsheets and other material referenced in the books in the web site.

  1. Investment Fables (Web site)
  2. Investment Philosophies (Web site)
  3. Investment Management (Web site)
  4. Damodaran on Valuation (Web site)
  5. Damodaran on Valuation (Second Edition) (Web site)
  6. Investment Valuation (First Edition) (Web site)
  7. Investment Valuation (Second Edition) (Web site)
  8. Dark Side of Valuation (Web site & Manuscript)
  9. Corporate Finance (First Edition) (Web site)
  10. Corporate Finance (Second Edition) (Web site)
  11. Applied Corporate Finance (Web site)
  12. Applied Corporate Finance (Second Edition) (Web site)
  13. Strategic Risk Taking (Manuscript)

The material that I use (presentations, exams etc.) for all of my classes is available.

  1. Corporate Finance MBA class (Semester)
  2. Valuation MBA class (Semester)
  3. Investment Philosophies MBA class (Semester)
  4. Corporate Finance Executive MBA Class
  5. Valuation Executive MBA Class
Go here for updated data and industry averages (beta, cost of capital, multiples etc.) for US, European and Emerging market firms. The data is updated twice a year for US companies and once a year for other companies.
Instructional Material
Research and Papers
Some of the material (powerpoint files and solutions to problems in the books) are available here but you will need a password. Contact me. In this section, you will find a collection of papers relating to valuation and corporate finance, written primarily for practitioners. You can download the papers as pdf files.
Web Casts
  1. Corporate Finance spreadsheets
  2. Valuation spreadsheets
  1. Upcoming Seminars
  2. Past Seminars (with material)
  1. AIMR webcasts
  2. Corporate Finance class webcasts
  3. Valuation class webcasts