Errata & Corrections
- The app presumes that you will use the US$ as the default currency, and therefore, that a decimal point will be denoted by a period “.” We hope to issue an update at some point in the future which will allow for use of other currency symbols.
- We have received an occasional report of the iPhone version (v4.0.0) of the app being prone to crashing. We have examined the issue thoroughly, but as of yet, have been unable to figure out why this might be happening. We are continuing to work on the problem. In the meantime, apologies if you’re experiencing this issue: please email us at .
- Make sure to input all dollar figures in $ millions (e.g., if the company had $2 billion in base year revenue, you would input '2,000').
WACC: Detailed
- When inputting the assumption for ‘Operating NWC as % revenue’, note that you are inputting the percentage for total (i.e., not incremental) revenue for the forecasted year. In other words, the input you provide will calculate the total NWC for the year, based on which, the model will calculate the Change in NWC.
WACC: Simple
- none
APV: Detailed
- When inputting the assumption for ‘Operating NWC as % revenue’, note that you are inputting the percentage for total (i.e., not incremental) revenue for the forecasted year. In other words, the input you provide will calculate the total NWC for the year, based on which, the model will calculate the Change in NWC.
APV: Simple
- none
Dividend Growth Model
- none
Real Options valuation Model
- none
Additional Valuation Tools
- none