See industry averages of debt ratios
Not only can the weights on debt
and equity change, but so can the other components - cost of
equity, cost of debt and tax rate. In fact, you should expect
the cost of capital to change for most firms, and especially
so for young firms or firms in transition. Generally, firms that
are young and risky have high costs of equity and debt, little
or no debt and high costs of capital. As you expect these firms
to grow and mature over time, you would expect the costs of equity
and debt to come down, the debt ratio to increase and the cost
of capital to decline.
The practical question that you will
face is in coming up with these target debt ratios and costs
of funding. There are two solutions. One is to look at industry
averages, especially the averages for mature firms in the business
for all of these components. The other is to compute the optimal
debt ratio (with all the components) for your firm.
In conventional practice, firms are
often valued with a constant debt ratio and cost of capital over
time. This is why there is much debate about whether one should
use actual debt ratio weights or target weights, with many analysts
arguing for the latter. Either extreme will be incorrect, with
the former leading to too low a value for young and risky firms
and the latter to too high a value (since you are assuming that
the firm will do tomorrow what it cannot really do for another
5 or 10 years). The best compromise is to start with the actual
debt ratio and move to your target debt ratio over time.