Web Casts: Corporate Finance - Spring 2007

The 26-session corporate finance class will be webcast starting January 22, 2007, and the lectures will be available as Real Player files (You can download Real Player for free by going to http://www.real.com). You can get the supporting lecture notes by clicking on the pdf files below - the pages covered by each lecture are provided next to each lecture. The quality of the video is not great but the audio should be good. You can download the lecture notes that I will be using for the classes below. For the syllabus and other details, visit the home page for the class.
Lecture note packet 1: Management Objectives and Investment Analysis (Sessions 1-14: Download pdf file. You can also get two slides per page, if you want to save paper.) Updated for Spring 2007 class
Lecture note packet 2: Capital Structure, Dividend Policy and Valuation (Sessions 15-26: Download pdf file). You can also get two slides per page, if you want to save paper.) Updated for Spring 2007 class

This page will include the webcasts from the current class. The prior semester's webcasts can be found here.

Session (Click here) Topics covered Lecture notes
1 (1/22/07) Introduction to Class
First Principles of Corporate Finance

Syllabus for class
Project Description

2 (1/24/07)

The Objective in Corporate Finance
Firm Value Maximization versus Stock price maximization
When is stock price maximization costless?
The Stockholder-Management Relationship

Packet 1 (1-18)
3 (1/29/07)

More on stockholders and managers: Assessing the potential for conflict
Bondholders and Stockholders
Market Efficiency: Implications and Potential Problems

Analyzing ownership
HDS page for Disney
Packet 1 (19-34)

4 (1/31/07)

Are markets too short term?
Social costs and benefits
Alternatives to Stock Price Maximization
Closing Thoughts on the Objective for the firm

Packet 1 (35-59)
5 (2/5/07) What is risk?
Ingredients of a good risk and return model
Alternatives to the CAPM
Packet 1 (60-82)
6 (2/7/07)

The Riskfree Rate
Equity Risk Premium
Country Risk

Packet 1 (83-101)
7 (2/12/07) Betas
- Regression set up
- Intercepts and Jensen's alphas
- R Squared
- Adjusted Beta
Packet 1 (102-118)
8 (2/14/07) More on regression betas
Expected Return and Cost of Equity
Determinants of Betas
Betas as weighted averages
Packet 1 (119-144)
9 (2/21/07)

Take the quiz(a or b), check the solution (a or b) and compare your score to the distribution
Bottom-up Beta for a company

Packet 1 (145-148)
10 (2/26/07) Bottom up Betas (continued)
Private company betas and costs of equity
What is debt?
The Cost of Debt
Packet 1 (149-165)
11 (2/28/07) More on synthetic ratings
The tax rate for cost of debt
Weights for debt and equity
Dealing with Hybrids
Investment Principle- Introduction
Packet 1 (166-187)
12 (3/5/07) Accounting Returns
Cash Flows
Packet 1 (188- 205)
13 (3/7/07) Incremental Cash Flows
Time Weighting Cash flows - NPV and IRR
Comparing NPV to IRR
Comparing projects with different lives
Packet 1 (206-235)
14 (3/19/07) Picking an investment decision rule
Non-domestic projects: Risk and Currency Issues
Equity Analysis
Sensitivity Analysis
Side costs and Benefits
Packet 1( 236-263)
15 (3/21/07) Class cancelled iTV case analysis (Excel)
iTV Group Conclusions
16 (3/26/07) The Case: Presentation
Side benefits and side costs
The Options to Delay, Expand and Abandon

iTV presentation
Packet 1 (264-280)

17 (3/28/07)

Take the quiz(a or b), check the solution (a or b) and compare your score to the distribution
The option to expand and abandon
Financing Choices across the life cycle
The advantages of debt

Packet 1 (281-287)
Packet 2 (1-12)
18 (4/2/07) The disadvantages of debt
The financing heirarchy
The Miller-Modigliani Theorem
The Cost of Capital Approach to Optimal Debt Ratio
Packet 2 (13-44)
19 (4/4/07)

Follow-up to the Cost of Capital analysis
- Why minimize the cost of capital?
- What if something goes wrong?
- What if we do not want to buy back stock?
Optimal debt ratios for private firms & financial service firms.

Packet 2 (44-74)
20 (4/9/07) The APV approach to optimal debt ratios
Relative analysis: Sector debt ratios
Moving to the optimal
Packet 2 (75-93)
21 (4/11/07) Designing the perfect financing
- The reason to match debt up to cash flows
- Steps in the process
- Macro regressions and debt design
- Mismatches and fixing them
Packet 2 (94-128)
22 (4/16/07) Dividend Policy
- Key facts about dividend policy (and trend lines)
- Three Schools of Thought on Dividends
- Dividends don't matter
- Dividends are bad
- Dividends are good
Packet 2 (129-157)
23 (4/18/07)

Take the quiz(a or b), check the solution (a or b) and compare your score to the distribution
More on dividends are good
The cash/trust nexus for analyzing dividends
- Estimating potential dividends or FCFE
- Assessing trust

Packet 2 (158-173)
24 (4/23/07) Examples of dividend policy analysis
Peer group dividend policy
The basics of valuation
Packet 2 (174-210)
25 (4/25/07) Estimating cashflows
Estimating growth
The terminal value
Packet 2 (211-233)
26 ( 4/30/07) The grand finale... Project Summary
5/2/07 Take the quiz(a or b), check the solution (a or b) and compare your score to the distribution