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Research Interests

My research focuses on financial reporting and disclosure, discretionary accounting choices, corporate governance, and analyst earnings forecasts. In some current projects I investigate the determinants and consequences of financial reporting as well as the effects of regulation on corporate governance.


Warranty Reserve: Contingent Liability, Information Signal, or Earnings Management Tool? (With M. Darrough, R. Huang, and T. Zach), Forthcoming, The Accounting Review.


The Use of Advertising Activities to Meet Earnings Benchmarks: Evidence from Monthly Data. (With R. Mashruwala and T. Zach), Review of Accounting Studies 15 (4), December 2010.


Accrual-Based and Real Earnings Management Activities around Seasoned Equity Offerings.(With P. Zarowin), Journal of Accounting and Economics 50(1), May 2010: 2-19 (Lead Article).


The ‘Numbers Game’ in the Pre- and Post-Sarbanes Oxley Eras. (With E. Bartov), Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance 24(4), Fall 2009: 505-534.


Venture Capital Financing and the Informativeness of Earnings. (With N. Langberg), Asia Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics 16(2), August 2009: 171-190.


Does Information Risk Really Matter? An Analysis of the Determinants and Economic Consequences of Financial Reporting Quality, Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, August 2008 15(2): 69-90.


Real and Accrual-based Earnings Management in the Pre- and Post-Sarbanes Oxley Periods, (With A. Dey and T. Lys), The Accounting Review, May 2008, 83(3): 757-787.


Earnings Announcement Premia and the Limits to Arbitrage, (With A. Dey, T. Lys and S. Sunder), Journal of Accounting and Economics, July 2007, 43: 153-180 (Lead Article).


Another Look at GAAP Versus The Street: An Empirical Assessment of Measurement Error Bias, (With R. Hann and M. Ogneva), Review of Accounting Studies, September 2007, 12: 271-303.

Weighing the evidence on the relation between external corporate financing activities, accruals and stock returns (With T. Lys), Journal of Accounting and Economics, October 2006, 42: 87-105.

A Note on Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts Errors Distribution, (With T. Lys), Journal of Accounting and Economics, December 2003, 36: 147-164.

Substitution between Diesel and Petrol Engines in Private Automobiles: Effects on the Israeli Economy, (With E. Sandrow), Israeli Taxation Quarterly, (April 1998).


Corporate Governance and the Information Environment: Evidence from State Antitakeover Laws (With C. Armstrong and K. Balakrishnan).


The Financial Reporting Environment: Evidence from the Last Decade (With A. Beyer, T.  Lys, and B. Walther). Survey Paper prepared for the 2009 JAE Conference.


Product Market Competition, Financial Accounting Misreporting and Corporate Governance: Evidence from Accounting Restatements (With K. Balakrishnan).


The Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002: Implications for Compensation Structure and Risk Taking Incentives of CEOs (With A. Dey and T. Lys).


Earnings Management over the Business Cycle (With P. Zarowin).


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