The Global Economy
We will use economics as a tool for exploring the enormous differences in the economic and business environments of countries. By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Explain how differences in local conditions and institutions affect the nature and cost of doing business.
- Describe the causes of good long-term performance: why per capita income is higher in the US and France than in China and India, and why China and India are among the fastest growing countries in the world.
- Evaluate indicators of good short-term performance and their impact on product and financial markets.
- Identify countries with promising business opportunities.
The Global Economy Course Text
The Global Economy Course Initiative
FRED video tutorials
Financial Crisis and the Policy Response
The financial crisis that began in 2007 became the deepest and broadest since the Great Depression, and its aftershocks still threaten the global economy. Understanding these developments and the responses of central banks and other authorities will help business decision-makers and investors assess financial opportunities and risks even in "normal" times. This course is an MBA elective that examines lessons from the crisis as viewed by a market practitioner.
Monetary Policy, Banks and Central Banks
This course is an MBA elective that examines financial institutions, instruments, markets, and practices from the perspectives of both financial and economic stability. Several broad questions will be addressed in the course:
- How is the financial system organized? What purposes does it serve?
- Why and how do countries regulate the financial sector?
- What do central banks do? How do they do it?
- How is monetary policy transmitted to the economy?