Natalia Levina


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Copyright © Natalia Levina 2002-2004

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This page was last updated on 10/10/05.

Stephane Bressan, Cheng Goh, Natalia Levina, Stuart Madnick, Ahmed Shah, Michael Siegel. Context Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in the Context Interchange System,” Applied Intelligence (13:2), September 2000, pp. 165-180.  

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The Context Interchange Project presents a unique approach to the problem of semantic conflict resolution among multiple heterogeneous data sources. The system presents a semantically meaningful view of the data to the receivers (e.g. user applications) for all the available data sources. The semantic conflicts are automatically detected and reconciled by a Context Mediator using the context knowledge associated with both the data sources and the data receivers. The results are collated and presented in the receiver context. The current implementation of the system provides access to flat files, classical relational databases, on-line databases, and web services. An example application, using actual financial information sources, is described along with a detailed description of the operation of the system for an example query.

Keywords:  context, integration, mediation, semantic heterogeneity, web wrapping