Part I. Overview of the World Economy
Introductory Handout on the Global Economy
Handout for Chapter 1: Monitoring Macroeconomic Performance
Handout for Chapter 2: Business Cycle and Financial Indicators
Handout for Chapter 3: International Indicators
Handout for Chapter 4: Productivity and Growth
Part II. The Classical Theory of the Long-Run
Handout for Chapter 5: Output and Real Interest Rates
Handout for Chapter 6: Money and Inflation
Handout for Chapter 7: Foreign Exchange Rates
The handouts for the other chapters will be made available online during the term.
Part III. The Keynesian Theory of the Short-Run
Handout for Chapter 8. Money, Interest Rates and Exchange Rates
Handout for Chapter 9. IS/LM Model in a Closed Economy
Handout for Chapter 10. IS/LM Model in an Open Economy
Handour for Chapter 11. Fiscal Policy
Handout for Chapter 12. Monetary Policy
Copyright: Nouriel Roubini, Stern School of Business, NYU, 2004.