Importance: ***
Definition: The unemployment
rate represents the fraction of the labor force that is unemployed. It
is published monthly in the government's employment report covers also
information on payroll jobs, employment, average workweek, average hourly
earnings. It increases or falls following a change in economy activity.
Related Indicators: The employment
report also covers information on payroll jobs, including
employment, average workweek and average hourly earnings.
Source: Department of Labor
Frequency: Monthly
Availability: One week following the reported month
Direction: Counter-cyclical.
Timing: Lagging indictor as the unemployment rate peaks after the trough of the business and bottoms after the peak of the business cycle.
Volatility: Close to none
Likely Impact on Financial Markets:
Exchange Rates: Lower than expected
unemployment rate will tend to appreciate the exchange rate as it is expected
to lead to higher interest rates.
Analysis of the Indicator:
During the 1996-1997 period, the unemployment rate has gradually declined
and recently been running at levels below what economists believe to be
the "natural rate" or NARU (the non-accelerating rate of inflation unememployment
rate), that rate at which sustained unemployment can exist without leading
to higher wage and price inflation. Unemployment rates below the
natural rate (and economic growth above the 'natural' growth rate) cannot
be sustained for too long: they would eventually cause higher inflation
and lead the Federal Reserve to increase the Fed Funds rate in order to
slow growth and prevent a pickup in inflation. Traditionally, the "natural
rate" has been estimated to be at 5.5%. As the unmployment rate has been
below 5% since the beginnning of 1997, some investors and economists believe
that the natural rate might be now lower than 5% because of structural
changes in labor market and the economy (the so-called "new economy");
other are instead concerned that we are now below the NAIRU and that
wage and price inflation is bound to increase. See the home pages
on NAIRU and productivity
growth controversies for more on this debate.
WEB Links
A Graph of the latest Unemployment Rate data from The Economic Statistics Briefing Room of the White House .
The latest Unemployment Rate report from BLS.
See the Dismal
Scientist Homepage for charts, tables and analysis of the unemployment
rate in the latest employment report.