1. Can I bring my spouse / significant other to the retreat?
Yes, please. There is space for up to 100 attendees at this year’s retreat. You must do the following for your spouse/guest:

  • Register
  • Pay the full retreat amount
Your spouse/guest must be willing to join us in all activities planned for the weekend.

2. I have already registered. Can I still register a guest?
Yes, absolutely. Please email us your request. One of the Retreat Committee’s members will work with you sign up your guest.

3. What is included in the registration cost for the Retreat?

  • Transportation on coach buses to and from the Retreat location
  • All meals and lodging at the location
  • Cost of all activities during the weekend

4. What is the cancellation policy?

  • Cancel before 8/1 - 100% refund
  • Cancel 8/1-8/31 - 50% refund
  • Cancel 9/1 and later - no refund
PayPal service fees will not be refunded in any case.

5. What if I have classes on Saturday? Can I still come to the Retreat?
In the past, participants with Saturday classes have joined the Retreat on Friday, driven to NYU on Saturday, and returned to the Retreat for the fun event on Saturday night and Sunday’s activities.
If you are a Saturday student, the Retreat Committee will work with you to make necessary arrangements to allow you to attend classes while still being able to attend the Retreat. You will be asked to provide your Saturday schedule when you register for the event.
The cost of the Retreat will remain the same.

6. Can I come Saturday morning instead of Friday night?
Sorry, every participant must arrive at the camp on Friday night.

7. I am a new Langone student. Will the Retreat be appropriate for me?
The Retreat is a perfect way to start your Langone experience. It will be a great opportunity to meet fellow Langone students and hit the ground running right away!

8. What activities will be planned for the weekend?
There will be a wide range of activities such as speakers, panel discussions, games, campfire, high-ropes, and other fun events.


9. How do I pay? Who do I make the check out to? Where do I drop it off??
The cost for this year’s Retreat is $200 (+ $5 PayPal service fees). You can pay by either of the following two methods:

  • PayPal - Details provided when you register.
  • Check - Make the check out to “SCorp” with “2005 Langone Retreat” in the Memo field. Mail (or drop off) the check to:

    The Langone Program Office
    PTLF Leadership Retreat
    Henry Kaufman Management Center
    44 West Fourth Street, Suite 1-75
    New York, NY 10012-1126

10. Will you confirm when you receive my payment?
Yes, we will confirm via email when your payment is received.

11. Will there be a waitlist? What is the waitlist policy?
When we reach our maximum capacity (100 participants for 2005), there will be a waitlist. Waitlisted participants will be confirmed on a first-come-first-serve basis.

12. How long does it take to get to the Retreat location?
The buses will take approximately about 2 hours from NYU to the Retreat location. If you are driving to the Retreat location, directions are available at the Iroquois Springs site.

13. What time will we be leaving the Retreat location on Sunday?
We will leave the Retreat location at 3:30 PM on Sunday, arriving back in New York City at approximately 6 PM.

14. It sounds like the weekend concentrates heavily on a “learning experience” - will it be fun too?
You better believe it!

15. Who can I contact if I have any questions or concerns?
Email the Retreat Committee at retreat@stern.nyu.edu with any questions or concerns that you may have.

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