SCHEDULE: (View Activities)
Friday, September 30, 2005
5:30pm - 6:00pmCheck-in at NYUKMC 5-50.
6:00pmKickoff ReceptionSnacks/Dinner and refreshments served in KMC 5-50.
6:30pmKickoff SpeechSpeech by Kenneth Langone.
7:00pmBoard Buses 
7:15 pmDepart NYU 
9:30 pmArrive at Iroquois SpringsDistribute room assignments.
10:00 pmWelcomeIce-breakers. Formation of weekend’s teams.
10:45 pmCampfire / Alumni PanelA few short informal speeches by alumni on the topic of “Risky Business.” Followed by a S’mores fest!
Saturday, October 1, 2005
8:00amBreakfastIn the dining hall.
8:45amTeam-Building Activities #1Outdoor activities for groups.
10:00amCareer PanelPanel discussion with career coaches - delivering methodologies and formal structures for making decisions that involve risk.
11:00amTeam-Building Activities #2Outdoor activities for groups.
11:00am - 5:30pmCoaching SessionsAccess to 30 minute, one-on-one coaching sessions until 5:30pm
12:00pmLunchBarbeque by the lake.
1:30 pmOpen ActivitiesHigh ropes, Hiking, Canoeing, Volleyball, etc.
5:30pmDinnerIn the dining hall
6:30pmSmall GroupsTeams prepare for Sunday’s group presentations.
9:00pmEvening OutNight out - Bowling
Sunday, October 2, 2005
8:00amBreakfastIn the dining hall
8:45amSmall groups Teams prepare for group presentations.
10:30amFinal Group ActivityTeam presentations.
12:00pmLunchLunch to be served in group meeting area
1:00pmSpeakerMark Patterson, Stern alum and co-founder of MatlinPatterson
2:15pmWrap upAward prizes for group activities. Reflections on the “Risky Business” theme - learnings from the weekend.
2:45pmGroup Photo & Pack Up 
3:30pmBuses leaveBack to NYC
6:00pmArrive at NYU 
 ACTIVITIES: (Back to Schedule)
High Ropes
This is a thoroughly challenging activity. Picture yourself 50 feet in the air traversing along a steel cable with the guidance of trained instructor. Of course, you are connected to a harness and webbing that can easily hold a 3,000-pound pick-up truck; however, it does not take away the sheer exhilaration of this thrilling experience.
Iroquois Springs has an extensive ropes course with 15 elements.
Hiking Trails
Scenic trails wind their way throughout 120-acre campground at Iroquois Springs. Participants will have an opportunity to explore the beautiful woods at this camp located just south of Catskill State Park. Trail maps will be provided.
Iroquois Springs has picturesque spring-fed lake. Canoeing and Kayaking will be available for all participants.
Other Recreational Facilities
Iroquois Springs offers several other recreational facilities such as a fully-equipped theater, Baseball field, Basketball courts, Roller Hockey rink, Soccer field, Softball field, Tennis courts, and Volleyball courts. All recreational facilities will be open to all participants through out the weekend.

In addition, there will be games and other fun-activities planned for the weekend.

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