Morwitz, Vicki G. (2011), "Biases in the Processing of Price Information," in Consumer Insights: Findings from Behavioral Research, Ed. Joseph Alba, Marketing Science Institute, 27-28.
Morwitz, Vicki G. (2011), "Purchase Intentions and Purchasing," in Consumer Insights: Findings from Behavioral Research, Ed. Joseph Alba, Marketing Science Institute, 89-90.
Morwitz, Vicki G. and Eesha Sharma (2011), "A Different View on Pricing," in Legends in Marketing: Kent Monroe, Ed. Jagdish N. Sheth, SAGE Publications Pvt. Ltd.
Cooley, Thomas, Xavier Gabaix, Samuel Lee, Thomas Mertens, Vicki Morwitz, Shellene Santana, Anjolein Schmeits, Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, and Robert Whitelaw (2010), "Consumer Financial Protection Regulation," in Regulating Wall Street: The Dodd-Frank Act and the New Architecture of Global Finance, Eds. Viral V. Acharya, Thomas F. Cooley, Matthew P. Richardson, and Ingo Walter, Wiley, 73-84.
Cooley, Thomas, Xavier Gabaix, Samuel Lee, Thomas Mertens, Vicki Morwitz, Anjolein Schmeits, and Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh (2009), "Consumer Finance Protection Agency: Is There a Need?" in Real Time Solutions for Financial Reform, 85-88.
Thomas, Manoj and Vicki G. Morwitz (2009), "Heuristics in Numerical Cognition: Implications for Pricing," in Handbook of Research in Pricing, Ed. Vithala Rao, Edward Elgar Publishing, 132-149.
Morwitz, Vicki G. (2001), "Methods for Forecasting from Intentions Data," in Principles of Forecasting: A Handbook for Researchers and Practitioners, Scott Armstrong, ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 33-56.
Invited Papers:
Thomas, Manoj and Vicki Morwitz (2005), "A Penny Saved," Stern Business, Fall/Winter, 20-23.
Greenleaf, Eric A., Vicki G. Morwitz, and Russell S. Winer (2004), "Helping Hands," Stern Business, Fall/Winter, 42-47.
Block, Lauren G., Vicki G. Morwitz, William P. Putsis, Jr., and Subrata K. Sen (2003), "Just Saying No," Stern Business, Winter/Fall, 28-31.
Morwitz, Vicki G. and Carol Pluzinski (1996), "Do Polls Reflect Opinions or Do Opinions Reflect the Polls?" Stern Business, Fall, 14-15.
Morwitz, Vicki G. (1993), "Not All 'Definitely Will Buy's Will Buy: How to Determine Which Ones Will," Marketing Review, 49(2), 8-30.
Fitzsimons, Gavan and Vicki G. Morwitz (2007), Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 34, Duluth, MN:
Association for Consumer Research.
Other Publications:
Shalev, Edith and Vicki Morwitz (2010),"How Low Can I Go? The Comparative Effect of Low Status Users on Buying Intentions," Advances in Consumer Research, Eds. Darren Dahl, Gita Johar, and Stijn van Osselaer, Vol. 38, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research.
Raghubir, Priya, Vicki Morwitz, and Shelle Santana (2010), "Europoly Money: The Impact of Currency Framing on Tourists Spending Decisions," Advances in Consumer Research, Eds. Darren Dahl, Gita Johar, and Stijn van Osselaer, Vol. 38, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research.
Tang, Jane, Andrew Grenville, Vicki G. Morwitz, Amitav Chakravarti, and Gulden Ulkumen (2009), "Influencing Feature Price Tradeoff Decisions in CBC Experiments," 2009 Sawtooth Software Conference Proceedings, 247-262.
Shalev, Edith and Vicki G. Morwitz (2009). "Does Time Fly When You're Counting Down? The Effect of Counting Direction on Subjective Time Judgment," Advances in Consumer Research, Eds. Ann L. McGill and Sharon Shavitt,Vol. 36, 1051-1052.
Chandon, Pierre and Vicki G. Morwitz (2008), "Breaking Behavior Repetition: New Insights on the Role of Habits and Intentions," Advances in Consumer Research, Eds. Angela Y. Lee and Dilip Soman, Vol. 35, 125-128.
Shalev, Edith and Vicki G. Morwitz (2008), "The Surprising Influencers: How the Inferred Attributes of Observed Consumers Shape Observer Consumers Buying Intentions," Advances in Consumer Research, Eds. Angela Y. Lee and Dilip Soman ,Vol. 35, 996.
Chandran, Sucharita and Vicki G. Morwitz (2006), "The Price of 'Free'-Dom: Consumer Sensitivity to Promotions with Negative Contexual Influences," Advances in Consumer Research, Eds. Connie Pechmann and Linda Price Vol. 33, 250.
Chandon, Pierre and Vicki G. Morwitz (2005), "Self-Generated Validity Effects in Consumer Research," Advances in Consumer Research, Eds. Geeta Menon and Akshay Rao, Vol. 32, 270-273.
Thomas, Manoj and Vicki G. Morwitz (2005), "How Do Consumers and Managers Process Numeric Information? The Role of Numerical Cognition," Advances in Consumer Research, Eds. Geeta Menon and Akshay Rao, Vol. 32, 445-448.
Thomas, Manoj and Vicki G. Morwitz (2004), "Effects of Framing on Magnitude Perceptions of Prices," Advances in Consumer Research, Eds. Barbara E. Kahn and Mary Frances Luce, Vol. 31, 454-456.
Kiesler, Tina and Vicki G. Morwitz (2001), "What are the Chances? Biases in the Assessment of Probability and Risk," European Advances in Consumer Research, Eds. Andrea Groppel-Klein and Franz-Rudolph Esch, Vol. 5, 195.
Menon, Geeta and Vicki G. Morwitz (1994), "Biases in Social Comparison: If You are One in a Million, There are 4,000 People Just Like You," Advances in Consumer Research, Eds. Chris T. Allen and Deborah Roedder John, Vol. 21, 379.
Easterling, Doug, Howard Kunreuther and Vicki G. Morwitz (1991), "Forecasting Behavioral Response to a Repository from Stated Intent Data," Proceedings of the 1991 International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference.
Rose, Theodore and Vicki G. Morwitz (1987), "Graphical Presentation of Product Pricing," Proceedings of the SAS Users Group International, Dallas, 1987.
Vicki G. Morwitz
Harvey Golub Professor of Business Leadership
Stern School of Business
Tisch Hall
40 West 4th Street, Room 807
New York, NY 10012
Tel: (212)998-0518
Fax: (212)998-4006