Papers Under Review
Optimal No-Regret Learning in Strongly Monotone Games with Bandit Feedback Tianyi Lin, Zhengyuan Zhou, Wenjia Ba and Jiawei Zhang
Operations Research, minor revision
Sensitivity Analysis under the f-Sensitivity Models: Definition, Estimation and Inference
(ICSA Best Student Paper Award 2022)
Ying Jin, Zhimei Ren and Zhengyuan Zhou
Operations Research, under review, 2023
Sample Complexity of Policy Learning for Inventory Control with Censored Demand
Xiaoyu Fan, Boxiao Chen and Zhengyuan Zhou
Management Science, under review, 2023
Sequential Batch Learning in Finite-Action Linear Contextual Bandits
Yanjun Han, Zhengqing Zhou, Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn and Yinyu Ye and Zhengyuan Zhou
Operations Research, under review, 2023
Optimal Diagonal Preconditioning
Zhaonan Qu, Wenzhi Gao, Oliver Hinder, Yinyu Ye and Zhengyuan Zhou
Operations Research, minor revision, 2023
Learning to Bid Optimally and Efficiently in Adversarial First-price Auctions Yanjun Han, Zhengyuan Zhou, Aaron Flores, Erik Ordentlich,
Tsachy Weissman
Management Science, under review
Journal Papers
Adaptive Doubly Optimal Online No-Regret Learning in Games with Gradient Feedback
Michael Jordan, Tianyi Lin and Zhengyuan Zhou
Operations Research, accepted, 2024
Optimal No-regret Learning in Repeated First-price Auctions Yanjun Han, Zhengyuan Zhou and Tsachy Weissman
Operations Research, accepted, 2024
Dynamic Batch Learning in High-Dimensional Sparse Linear Contextual Bandits (2021 INFORMS Service Science Section Best Cluster Paper Award Finalist) Zhimei Ren and Zhengyuan Zhou
Management Science, 2023
Learning to Order for Inventory Systems with Lost Sales and Uncertain Supplies
Boxiao Chen, Jiashuo Jiang, Jiawei Zhang and Zhengyuan Zhou
Management Science, accepted, 2023
Distributionally Robust Batch Contextual Bandits(2021 MSOM Student Paper Prize Finalist) Nian Si, Fan Zhang, Zhengyuan Zhou and Jose Blanchet Management Science, 2023
Policy Learning with Adpatively Collected Data Ruohan Zhan, Zhimei Ren, Susan Athey and Zhengyuan Zhou Management Science, 2023
Simple Agent, Complex Environment: Efficient Reinforcement Learning with Agent State (2021 INFORMS Nicholson Award) Shi Dong
, Benjamin Van Roy and Zhengyuan Zhou
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2022
Offline Policy Learning: Generalization and Optimization (2018 INFORMS Nicholson Award Finalist) Zhengyuan Zhou, Susan Athey and Stefan Wager
Operations Research, 2022
Delay-Adaptive Learning in Generalized Linear Contextual Bandits Jose Blanchet, Renyuan Xu and Zhengyuan Zhou
Mathematics of Operations Research, 2022
No Weighted-Regret Learning
in Adversarial Bandits with Delays Ilai Bistritz, Zhengyuan Zhou, Xi Chen, Nicholas Bambos and Jose Blanchet
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2022
Computational Benefits of Intermediate Rewards for Goal-Reaching Policy Learning
Yuexiang Zhai, Christina Baek, Zhengyuan Zhou, Jiantao Jiao, Yi Ma
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2022
Structured Sparsity Optimization with Non-Convex Surrogates of L_2,0 Norm: A Unified Algorithmic Framework
Xiaoqin Zhang, Jingjing Zheng, Di Wang, Guiying Tang, Zhengyuan Zhou and Zhouchen Lin
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2022
Distributed Stochastic Optimization with Large Delays Zhengyuan Zhou, Panayotis Mertikopoulos, Nicholas Bambos, Peter Glynn and Yinyu Ye
Mathematics of Operations Research, 2021
Smart Greedy Distributed Energy Allocation: a Random Games Approach Ilai Bistritz,Andrew Ward, Zhengyuan Zhou and Nicholas Bambos
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2021
Batched Learning in Generalized Linear Contextual Bandits with General Decision Sets Zhimei Ren, Zhengyuan Zhou and Jayant R. Kalagnanam IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2021
Robust Power Management via Learning and Game Design (2022 INFORMS Telecommunications and Network Analytics Best Paper Award)
Zhengyuan Zhou, Panayotis Mertikopoulos, Aris Moustakas, Nicholas Bambos and Peter Glynn Operations Research, 2020
Smarter Lions: Efficient Cooperative Pursuit in General Bounded Areas
Zhengyuan Zhou, Jonathan Shewchuk, Dusan Stipanovic, Haomiao Huang and Claire Tomlin
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2020
On the Convergence of Mirror Descent Beyond Stochastic Convex Programming
Zhengyuan Zhou, Panayotis Mertikopoulos, Nicholas Bambos, Stephen Boyd and Peter Glynn
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2020
Learning in Games with Continuous Action Sets and Unknown Payoff Functions (Preliminary version 2017 INFORMS Nicholson Award Finalist and 2017 INFORMS APS Best Student Paper Finalist)
Panayotis Mertikopoulos and Zhengyuan Zhou. Mathematical Programming, 2019
Robust Low-Rank Tensor Recovery with Rectification and Alignment
Xiaoqing Zhang, Di Wang, Zhengyuan Zhou and Yi Ma
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2019
Deterministic and Stochastic Wireless Networks Games: Equilibrium, Dynamics and Price of Anarchy
Zhengyuan Zhou, Nicholas Bambos and Peter Glynn.
Operations Research, 2018
Infinite Time Horizon Maximum Causal Entropy Inverse Reinforcement Learning
Zhengyuan Zhou, Michael Bloem, and Nicholas Bambos. IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control, 2018
Efficient Planning Algorithms for Reach-Avoid Problems
Zhengyuan Zhou, Jerry Ding, Haomiao Huang, Ryo Takei and Claire Tomlin.
Automatica, 2018
Improving Predictions of Pediatric Surgical Durations with
Supervised Learning
Neal Master, Zhengyuan Zhou, Daniel Miller, David Scheinker, Nicholas
Bambos and Peter Glynn
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, 2017
Service Rate Control of Tandem Queues with Power Constraints
Li Xia, Daniel Miller, Zhengyuan Zhou and Nicholas Bambos.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,, 2017
Cooperative Pursuit with Voronoi Partitions
Zhengyuan Zhou, Wei Zhang, Jerry Ding, Haomiao Huang, Dusan Stipanovic and
Claire Tomlin.
Automatica, 2016.
Multiplayer Reach-Avoid Games via Pairwise Outcomes
Mo Chen, Zhengyuan Zhou and Claire Tomlin.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2016.
The Importance of Exploration in Online Marketplaces
Siddhartha Banerjee, Ramesh Johari and Zhengyuan Zhou.
IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 20, Issue 1, 2016.
Stochastic Control with Uncertainty Parameters via Chance Constrained Control
Michael Vitus, Zhengyuan Zhou and Claire Tomlin.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2015.
An Efficient Algorithm for a Visibility-Based Surveillance-Evasion Game
Ryo Takei, Richard Tsai, Zhengyuan Zhou, and Yanina Landa.
Communications in Mathematical Sciences, Volume 12, 2014.
Semigroups of SL3(C) Tensor Product Invariants
Christopher Manon, Zhengyuan Zhou.
Journal of Algebra, Volume 400, February 2014.
Conference Papers
Leveraging the Hints: Adaptive Bidding in Repeated First-Price Auctions
Wei Zhang, Yanjun Han, Zhengyuan Zhou, Aaron Flores and Tsachy Weissman
NeurIPS, 2022
Society of Agents: Regret Bounds of Concurrent Thompson Sampling
Yan Chen, Perry Dong, Qingxun Bai, Maria Dimakopoulou, Wei Xu and Zhengyuan Zhou
NeurIPS, 2022
Distributionally Robust Q-Learning
Zijian Liu, Qinxun Bai, Jose Blanchet, Perry Dong, Wei Xu, Zhengqing Zhou, Zhengyuan Zhou ICML, 2022
Doubly Robust Distributionally Robust Off-Policy Evaluation and Learning
Nathan Kallus, Xiaojie Mao, Kaiwen Wang, Zhengyuan Zhou ICML, 2022
Online Multi-Armed Bandits with Adaptive Inference
Maria Dimakopoulou, Zhimei Ren and Zhengyuan Zhou NeurIPS,2021
Finite-Sample Regret Bound for Distributionally Robust Offline Tabular Reinforcement Learning
Zhengqing Zhou, Zhengyuan Zhou, Qinxun Bai, Linhai Qiu, Jose Blanchet, Peter Glynn AISTATS, 2021
MEOW: A Space-Efficient Nonparametric Bid Shading Algorithm
Wei Zhang, Brendan Kitts, Yanjun Han, Zhengyuan Zhou, Tingyu Mao, Hao He, Shengjun Pan, Aaron Flores, San Gultekin, Tsachy Weissman KDD, 2021
Finite-Time Last-Iterate Convergence for Multi-Agent Learning in Games
Tianyi Lin, Zhengyuan Zhou, Panayotis Mertikopoulos and Michael Jordan
ICML, 2020
Distributionally Robust Policy Evaluation and Learning in Offline Contextual Bandits
Nian Si, Fan Zhang, Zhengyuan Zhou and Jose Blanchet
ICML, 2020
Gradient-free Online Learning in Games with Delayed Rewards
Amelie Heliou, Panayotis Mertikopoulos and Zhengyuan Zhou
ICML, 2020
Understanding L4-based Dictionary Learning: Interpretation, Stability, and Robustness
Yuexiang Zhai, Hermish Mehta, Zhengyuan Zhou and Yi Ma
ICLR, 2020
Delay-Adaptive Distributed Stochastic Optimization
Zhaolin Ren, Zhengyuan Zhou, Linhai Qiu, Ajay Deshpande and Jayant Kalagnanam
AAAI, 2020
Learning in Games with Lossy Feedback
Zhengyuan Zhou, Panayotis Mertikopoulos, Susan Athey, Nicholas Bambos, Peter Glynn and
Yinyu Ye
NeurIPS, 2018
Asynchronous Stochastic Optimization under Unbounded Delays: How
Slow Can You Go?
Zhengyuan Zhou, Panayotis Mertikopoulos, Nicholas Bambos, Peter Glynn and
Yinyu Ye, Li-Jia Li and Li Fei-Fei
ICML, 2018
MentorNet: Regularizing Very Deep Neural Networks on
Corrupted Labels
Lu Jiang, Zhengyuan Zhou, Thomas Leung, Li-Jia Li and Li Fei-Fei
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2018
Sensing-Constrained Power Control in Digital Health
Daniel Miller, Zhengyuan Zhou, Nicholas Bambos and Irad Ben-Gal
American Control Conference (ACC),
Countering Feedback Delays in Multi-Agent Learning
Zhengyuan Zhou, Panayotis Mertikopoulos, Nicholas Bambos, Peter Glynn and
Claire Tomlin
NeurIPS, 2017
Stochastic Mirror Descent in Variationally Coherent
Optimization Problems
Zhengyuan Zhou, Panayotis Mertikopoulos, Nicholas Bambos, Stephen Boyd and
Peter Glynn
NeurIPS, 2017
Mirror Descent Learning in Continuous Games
Zhengyuan Zhou, Panayotis Mertikopoulos, Aris Moustakas, Nicholas Bambos
and Peter Glynn
CDC, 2017
Stable Power Control in Wireless Networks via Dual Averaging
Zhengyuan Zhou, Panayotis Mertikopoulos, Aris Moustakas, Saied Mehdian, Nicholas Bambos
and Peter Glynn
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2017
Scheduling with Delay
Saied Mehdian, Zhengyuan Zhou and Nicholas Bambos
American Control Conference (ACC), 2017
Scheduling with Intermittent Sampling Saied, Mehdian, Zhengyuan Zhou and Nicholas Bambos Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2017
Infinite Dimensional Model for a Single Server Priority
Neal Master, Zhengyuan Zhou and Nicholas Bambos
American Control Conference (ACC), 2017
Infinite Dimensional Model for a Many Server Priority Queue
Neal Master, Zhengyuan Zhou and Nicholas Bambos
Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS),
Inaccurate Predictions of Pediatric Surgical Durations
Zhengyuan Zhou, Daniel Miller, Neal Master, David Scheinker, Nicholas
Bambos and Peter Glynn
IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics
on Linear Influence Networks under Stochastic Environments
Zhengyuan Zhou, Nicholas Bambos and Peter Glynn
Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security (GameSec),
Game-Theoretical Formulation of Influence Networks
Zhengyuan Zhou, Benjamin Yolken, Reiko Ann Miura-Ko and Nicholas
American Control Conference (ACC), 2016
Games for Power Control in Wireless Communications:
Equilibrium and Regret
Zhengyuan Zhou, Peter Glynn and Nicholas Bambos
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC),2016
A Stochastic Stability Characterization of the Foschini-Miljanic
Algorithm in Random Wireless Networks
Zhengyuan Zhou, Daniel Miller, Peter Glynn and Nicholas Bambos
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2016
Verification for a Hybrid Chance Constrained Method in Stochastic
Control Problems
Zhengyuan Zhou, Michael P. Vitus and Claire Tomlin
American Control Conference (ACC), 2014.
A Path Defense Approach to the Multiplayer Reach-Avoid Game
Mo Chen, Zhengyuan Zhou and Claire Tomlin
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2014.
Multiplayer Reach-Avoid Game via Low Dimensional Solutions and Maximum Matching
Mo Chen, Zhengyuan Zhou and Claire Tomlin
American Control Conference (ACC), 2014.
Importance of Exploration in Online Marketplaces
Siddhartha Banerjee, Zhengyuan Zhou and Ramesh Johari
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2014.
Singular Value Thresholding for Tensor Completion
Xiaoqin Zhang, Zhengyuan Zhou, Di Wang and Yi Ma
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2014.
Evasion of a Team of Dubins Vehicles from a Hidden Pursuer
Shih-Yuan Liu, Zhengyuan Zhou, Claire Tomlin and Karl Hedrick.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2014.
Simultaneous Rectification and Alignment via Robust Recovery of Low-rank Tensors
Xiaoqin Zhang, Di Wang, Zhengyuan Zhou and Yi Ma
NIPS, 2013
Evasion as a Team against a Faster Pursuer
Shih-Yuan Liu, Zhengyuan Zhou, Claire Tomlin and Karl Hedrick
American Control Conference (ACC), 2013
Gradient-Based Method for Team Evasion
Shih-Yuan Liu, Zhengyuan Zhou, Claire Tomlin and Karl Hedrick
ASME 2013 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), 2013
A General Open-Loop Formulation for Reach-Avoid Games
Zhengyuan Zhou, Ryo Takei, Haomiao Huang, Claire Tomlin
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2012