
This web site is designed to provide supporting material for valuation related topics. I generally categorize material by the three basic approaches to valuation - discounted cash flow valuation, relative valuation and option pricing applications on valuation. You can read an overview of the three approaches to valuation before you begin.

1. Books:
If you are using one of my valuation books, you can go to the sites that support these books. You can also get supporting material for these books on these sites.

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Description of Book
Problems and Solutions

Web site for book

Description of Book
Dark Side of Valuation Web site

2. Classes

I teach a valuation class stretching over a semester in the MBA program. You can access webcasts, lecture notes and other material for the class by going here:

MBAValuation Class at Stern School of Business

I also teach an executive valuation class of shorter duration and you can get the materials for it by going here:

Executive Valuation Class at Stern School of Business

3. Topic
You can also pick a topic to browse through material available on the topic. You can also go directly to the material that you are interested in and download data or spreadsheets.

The overheads and solutions to the problems are stored in pdf format, and you need Adobe Acrobat to read pdf files. (You can download Acrobat Reader directly from the Adobe site at The spreadsheets are in Microsoft Excel format, and can be used on either a Mac or Windows system.

You can pick the valuation approach that you would like to go to, to see illustrations, solutions and other supporting material.
Discounted Cashflow Valuation
Relative Valuation
Option Pricing Approaches to Valuation
Acquisition Valuation
EVA, CFROI and other Value Enhancement Strategies

Or you can pick the material that you are interested in.
Spreadsheets Overheads Datasets References
Problems & Solutions Derivations and Discussion Valuation Examples PowerPoint presentations

Discounted Cashflow Valuation
Overheads Basics of Discounted Cashflow Valuation (Download pdf file)
Estimating Inputs for DCF Valuation (Download pdf file)
Choosing the Right Model (Download pdf file)
Dividend Discount Models (Download pdf file)
FCFE Discount Models (Download pdf file)
FCFF Discount Models (Download pdf file)
Valuing Cash in a Firm (Download pdf file)
Valuing a Private Firm (Download pdf file)
Equity Value per Share with Options and Warrants outstanding (Download pdf file)
  1. Fundamental Growth Rate in EPS: By Sector
  2. Fundamental Growth Rate in EBIT: By Sector
  3. Net Capital Expenditure Ratios: By Sector
  4. Working Capital: By Sector
  5. PE, PEG and Fundamentals: By Sector
  6. PBV, ROE and Fundamentals: By Sector
  7. PS, Net Margin and Fundamentals: By Sector
  8. Value/EBITDA: By Sector
  1. Model Chooser: Helps choose the right model for a firm
  2. Stable Growth DDM
  3. Two Stage DDM
  4. Three Stage DDM
  5. Stable Growth FCFE Model
  6. Two Stage FCFE
  7. Three Stage FCFE
  8. Stable Growth FCFF
  9. Two Stage FCFF
  10. Three Stage FCFF
  11. Capital Expenditure Estimator
Problems and Solutions DCF Valuation (with solutions)
Derivations, In-Practice Questions and Discussion Estimating Discount Rates
Estimating Cash Flows
Estimating Growth Rates
Estimating Growth Patterns
Readings Equity Readings
Valuation Examples

Con Ed: A Stable Growth Dividend Discount Valuation
ABN Amro: A Two-stage Dividend Discount Model Valuation
S&P 500: A Conservative Dividend Valuation
S&P 500: An Optimistic FCFE Valuation
Sony: A Stable Growth FCFE Valuation
Nestle: A Two-stage FCFE Valuation
Nestle: Valuation after New Information
Tsingtao Breweries: Valuation with Changing ROE...
Brahma: A Three-stage FCFE Valuation
Brahma: An Updated Valuation
Daimler Chrysler: A Stable Growth FCFF Valuation
Tube Investments: A Two-stage FCFF Valuation
Tube Investments: Higher Marginal Return on Capital
Tuble Investments: Higher Return on Capital (both existing assets and marginal)
The Home Depot: An Operating Lease Adjusted Valuation
Global Crossing: Valuing a company in distress
Bristol Myers: An R&D Adjusted Valuation in January 2000: A Valuation of a Company on the Dark Side in January 2001

Relative Valuation
Overheads The Anatomy of a Multiple (Download pdf file)
PE Ratios (Download pdf file)
PEG Ratios (Download pdf file)
Relative PE (Download pdf file)
Value/EBITDA Multiples (Download pdf file)
PBV Ratios (Download pdf file)
PS Ratios (Download pdf file)
Value of a Brand Name (Download pdf file)
Data Sets
  1. PE, PEG and Fundamentals: By Sector
  2. PBV, ROE and Fundamentals: By Sector
  3. PS, Net Margin and Fundamentals: By Sector
  4. Value/EBITDA: By Sector
  1. Estimating Equity Multiples
  2. Estimating Firm Value Multiples
Problems and Solutions
Relative Valuation (with solutions)
Derivations, In-Practice Questions and Discussion
Readings Equity Readings
Valuation Examples

PE and Fundamentals
Developed Market PE Ratios: 2000
Emerging Market PE Ratios: 2000
US Market PE Ratios: 1960-2000
Beverage Companies
Global Telecommunication firms
PEG Ratios and Fundamentals
Beverage Company PEG Ratios
Relative PE and Fundamentals
Auto firm Relative PE ratios
Value/EBITDA and Fundamentals
Trucking Company Value/EBITDA Multiples
PBV Ratio and Fundamentals
Oil Company PBV Ratios: 2000
Large Cap PBV Ratios
Bank PBV Ratios
Value/Book and Fundamentals
PS Ratios and Fundamentals
Greek Retailers PS ratios
Internet Stock PS Ratios
Coca Cola: Valuing a Brand Name

Option Pricing Applications in Valuation
Overheads Option Pricing Applications (Download pdf file)
Data Sets
  1. Variances in Firm Value: By Sector
Spreadsheets delay.xls: Estimate the value of an option to delay an investment.
product.xls: Estimate the value of a patent.
natres.xls: Estimate the value of an undeveloped natural resource reserve
expand.xls: This spreadsheet allows you to estimate the value of the option to expand a project to cover new markets or new products, using the Black-Scholes model.
abandon.xls: Estimate the value of the option to abandon an investment.
finflex.xls: Estimate the value of financial flexibility as an option.
equity.xls: Estimate the value the equity in a troubled firm as an option.
Problems and Solutions
Option Pricing Applications (with solutions)
Derivations, In-Practice Questions and Discussion When are option pricing models useful in valuing equity?
What is the right option pricing model to use in valuation?
How do you estimate the inputs to the option pricing model?
Readings Equity Readings
Valuation Examples Value of Avonex: A Patent Valuation
Value of Financial Flexibility: Disney
Eurotunnel DCF Valuation
Eurotunnel Option Pricing Valuation

Acquisition Valuation
Data Sets
Spreadsheets synergy.xls: This spreadsheet allows you to estimate the approximate value of synergy in a merger or acquisition.
merglbo.xls: This spreadsheet allows you to evaluate the cash flows and the value of a leveraged buyout.
Problems and Solutions
Problems on acquisitions (with solutions)
Derivations, In-Practice Questions and Discussion
  1. Synergy in Mergers
  2. The Keys to Success in M & A: The KPMG Report
  3. Stocks versus Cash Acquisitions: The Performance of Acquirerer
Valuation Examples Valuing Digital (status quo)
Valuing Digital (optimally managed)
Valuing Compaq (stand-alone)
Valuing Compaq-Digital (no synergy)
Valuing Compaq-Digital (with synergy)

EVA, CFROI and Other Value Enhancement Strategies
Overheads EVA Valuation (Download pdf file)
Data Sets
  1. EVA and Equity EVA: By Sector
  1. EVA Analysis of a Project
  2. EVA Valuation of a Firm
Problems and Solutions Problems with EVA/CFROI (with solutions)
Derivations, In-Practice Questions and Discussion EVA and NPV: The Parallels
Does increasing EVA increase firm value?
Are firms which increase EVA good investments?
  1. EVA as elixir
  2. An EVA debate
Valuation Examples Valuing Compaq (status quo)
Valuing Compaq (restructured)
Valuing Telecom Italia (status quo)
Valuing Telecom Italia (restructured
Compaq's optimal capital structure
Telecom Italia's optimal capital structure

Problems and Solutions
Dicounted Cashflow Valuation
Relative Valuation
Option Pricing Approaches to Valuation
Acquisition Valuation
EVA, CFROI and other Value Enhancement Strategies