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Web Casts: Valuation - Fall 2013

This 26-session equity valuation class will be taped starting September 4, 2013, and the lectures are accessible in multiple ways. You can get the supporting lecture notes by clicking on the pdf files below - the pages covered by each lecture are provided next to each lecture. For the syllabus and other details, visit the home page .
Introduction to Valuation
Part I: Discounted Cashflow Valuation : If you have trouble with this file, download the powerpoint file. You can then choose to print the slides, one to a page, two or a page, in note format or whatever your heart desires. (Updated for Fall 2013 class).
Part II: Relative Valuation and Private Company Valuation. : Download the powerpoint file. You can then choose to print the slides, one to a page, two or a page, in note format or whatever your heart desires. (Updated for Fall 2013 class).
Part III: Real Options, Acqusition Valuation and Value Enhancement : Download the powerpoint file. You can then choose to print the slides, one to a page, two or a page, in note format or whatever your heart desires. (Updated for Fall 2013 class).
Part IV: Closing Presentation

This page will include the webcasts from the current class. The webcasts can be accessed in one of three ways:
Streaming video (The file will be streamed to your computer. This will work only if you have a good internet connection, but should be of the best quality)
Video podcast (The .m4v file will be downloaded to your computer and you can watch the video using Quicktime or video software or on your iPod)
Audio podcast (The .mp3 file will be downloaded as an audio file and can be played on any audio player). The AV system used to record the lectures has changed and I think it is much improved.
The prior semester's webcasts can be found here.

Finally, you can read the emails that I send to the class by this link,as well as the newsletters for the class.

Session Webcasts Topics covered Lecture notes

1 (9/4/13)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Introduction to Class

Syllabus for class
Project Description
Introduction to Valuation

Post-class test and solution.
Valuation of the week # 1

My blog post on the valuation of Tesla
Tesla: Last 10K (for 2012)
Tesla: Last 10Q (for first two quarters, 2013)
Automobile companies: September 2013
My valuation of Tesla

Google shared spreadsheet for Tesla valuations
Valuation Tools Webcast #1
Getting Data for Valuation
Data collection: The first step
In this webcast, I look at the basics of getting the raw material needed for valuing a business - financial statements, sector information and macro economic data.
SEC website
SEC Live
FRED (Federal Reserve)

2 (9/9/13)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Valuation bias: A test and my solutions Introduction to Valuation: 4-End
Lecture note packet 1: Pages 1-4
Valuation: Bias, Uncertainty and Complexity
Valuation approaches
DCF: First steps
Post-class test and solution.
Valuation of the week # 2

My blog post on the valuation of Apple
Apple: Last 10K (September 2012)
Apple: Last 10Q (July 2013)
My valuation of Apple

Google shared spreadsheet for Apple valuations

3 (9/11/13)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Cash flow consistency: A test (Congoleum)

Packet 1: 5-38
Sovereign CDS spreads (9/13)
Moody's sovereign ratings (9/13)

Equity versus Firm valuation
DCF Big picture
DCF inputs: The Discount Rate
- Setting the table
- Risk and the marginal investor
- The riskfree rate

Post-class test and solution.
Weekly Challenge #1

Reconciling firm and equity valuation

Weekly challenge #1

Valuation Tools Webcast #2
Reading a 10K

Separating wheat (information) from chaff (data)
Changes in accounting and disclosure requirements have bulked up annual reports and 10Ks. While increased disclosure is useful, it is easy to get lost in the details. In this webcast, I use a 10K and a simple valuation spreadsheet to illustrate how to do a
"quick read" of a 10K.
  1. Presentation
  2. P&G: 10K
  3. P&G: Valuation (Excel spreadsheet)
Valuation Tools Webcast #3
Estimating a risk free rate

Estimating a risk free rate

Estimating a risk free rate should be simple but it is often not. In some currencies, where there are no default free entities, it may take some work getting to a risk free rate. In this webcast, I look at the mechanics of this adjustment.

  1. Presentation
  2. Moody's ratings (3/13)
  3. CDS spreads (3/13)

4 (9/16/2013)
(This session's audio failed. I am attaching links to the Spring session's class and the slides that go with it. I am sorry!)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Risk Premiums: A test
  1. Spring 2013 lecture note packet: Pages 41-59 (We covered pages 39-57 in this semester's packet)
  2. Country risk premiums: June 2013
  3. Historical Returns - US stocks, bonds & bills
The Equity Risk Premium
- Historical Risk Premiums
- Country risk premiums & measuring exposure
- Implied Equity Risk Premium
Post-class test and solution.
Valuation of the week # 3
LATAM: News story on merger of LAN & TAM
LATAM: My valuation narrative (please read with valuation)
LATAM: Annual report for 2012
LATAM: My valuation
Google shared spreadsheet for LATAM valuation
5 (9/18/13)
Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)
Implied Equity Risk Premiums: A test Lecture note packet 1: 58-74
Implied Equity Risk Premiums
- More on estimation
- Interaction with other "risk" premiums
First steps on betas
Post class test and solution
Weekly Challenge #2 Country risk and risk premiums Weekly challenge # 2
Weekly Challenge #2a

Implied Premium versus Riskfree Rate

Implied premium challenge, data and solution
Valuation Tools Webcast #4
Implied Equity Risk Premiums
The equity risk premium is a key number in valuation. This webcast goes through the logic and the measurement questions behind equity risk premiums Presentation
S&P 500 on buybacks
S&P 500 earnings

6 (9/23/13)
Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Betas and cost of capital: A test Lecture note packet 1: 74-97
Bottom up beta: The approach
The cost of debt
Debt ratios
Cost of capital
Post class test and solution
Valuation of the week # 4
Blog post: Decline and Denial: Blackberry's endgame and Microsoft as value trap
Microsoft financials: Summary financials
Microsoft valuation: With no growth & breakeven growth
Google shared spreadsheet for Microsoft valuation
7 (9/25/13)
Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)
Cash flows: A test Packet 1: 98-117

Earnings and cash flows
- Updating earnings
- Cleaning up earnings

Post class test and solution
Weekly Challenge # 3

Adjusting Operating Earnings

Weekly challenge #3
Solution & Synthetic rating
Review session for Quiz 1
Review session for the first quiz
  1. Review presentation
  2. Past Quiz 1s
  3. Solution to Past Quiz 1s
Valuation Tools Webcast #5
Trailing 12 month earnings
How to use financial statements to create trailing 12 month numbers
  1. Apple: 10K
  2. Apple: 10Q
  3. Apple Trailing 12-month (spreadsheet)
Valuation Tools Webcast #6
Converting leases to debt
The process of converting operating lease commitments to debt
  1. Disney Annual Report
  2. Converting leases to debt (spreadsheet)
Valuation Tools Webcast #7
Capitalizing R&D expenses
The process of converting R&D (and like expenses) from operating to capital expenses
  1. Microsoft: 10K for 2012
  2. Microsoft: 10K for 2011
  3. Converting R&D to capital (spreadsheet)

8 (9/30/13)
Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Growth rates I: A test Packet 1: Page 118-146
One time charges and negative earnings
Cap ex: Broadening the definition
Working capital investments
Leverage and FCFE
Growth rates
- Historical growth rates
- Analyst estimates of growth
Post class test and solution
Valuation of the week #5

My blog post on brand name values
Interbrand's ranking of top brand names in 2013
My paper on valuing brand name & other intangibles
Coca Cola: Financial Summary for 2013
Cott: Company web page & Financial Summary for 2013
Valuing Coca Cola's brand name in 2013

Google shared spreadsheet for Coca Cola brand name value

9 (10/2/13)
Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Take the first quiz and check out the solution as well as the distribution of grades for the class. Packet 1: Pages 147-161
Analyst estimates of growth
Fundamental growth rates
- Growth in earnings per share
- Growth in non-cash net income
- Growth in operating income
- Efficiency growth
Post class test and solution
Weekly Challenge # 4

Estimating fundamental growth

Weekly challenge
Valuation Tools Webcast #8
Estimating accounting returns (ROE, ROIC)
In assessing whether a company's existing investments are good or not, we draw on accounting return measures: return on invested capital and return on equity. However, navigating what should be in invested capital and what should not, and how to adjust for accounting inconsistencies is tricky.
  1. Walmart 10K (2013)
  2. Walmart 10K (2012)
  3. Spreadsheet
10 (10/7/13)
Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)
Terminal Value: A test Packet 1: 162-188
Closing thoughts on growth
Terminal value
Choosing the right model
Post class test and solution
Valuation of the week #6
Twitter's S1 filing
My blog post on Twitter
My valuation of Twitter
Google shared spreadsheet for Twitter pre-IPO valuations
11 (10/9/13)
Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)
Loose Ends: A test Packet 1: 189-206
Dealing with cross holdings
Other assets
Post class test and solution
Weekly Challenge #4a
Terminal Value Weekly challenge
Valuation Tools Webcast #9 (Checking Terminal Value)
The terminal value is a "big" number in DCF valuation, but it is subject to misuse and manipuluation. In this session, I take a look at how you can detect problems with a terminal value computation (in both your own DCFs and in other people's DCFs) Sample DCF valuation
Terminal value analyzer
12 (10/14/13)
Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)
DCF valuation: A test Packet 1: 207-236
Debt & Legal Jeopardy
Dealing with Employee Options
Valuing companies
- Stable growth DDM
- Macro effects on valuation
- Valuing the "market"
Post class test and solution
Valuation of the week #7
JP Morgan financials
JP Morgan historical ROE, Tier Capital & Segment info
My JP Morgan valuation
Google shared spreadsheet for JP Morgan valuations
13 (10/16/13)
Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)
DCF Valuation II: A test Packet 1: 237-265
Valuing young, growth companies
Valuing mature companies
Valuing declining and distressed companies
Valuing emerging market companies
Post class test and solution
Weekly Challenge #5
Management Options and Equity Value

Weekly challenge
Solution & Option value

Valuation Tools Webcast #10: Dealing with Employee Options
When companies compensate employees with options, they create a second claim on equity. When valuing common shares in these companies, you have to incorporate the effect of options outstanding on equity value and I try to look at how in this webcast. Cisco 10K
Option spreadsheet

14 (10/21/13)
Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

DCF Valuation III: A test

Packet 1: 266-297
Valuing financial service companies
Valuing commodity companies
Price versus Value
Post class test and solution
Valuation of the week #8
My blog post on Arian Foster tracking shares
New York Times Article on Foster shares
Arian Foster Tracking Shares (Fantex S-1 filing)
My valuation of Foster Tracking Shares
Google shared spreadsheet with Foster share valuations

15 (10/23/13)
Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Relative Valuation I: A test

Packet 2: 1 -19


Relative valuation
- Description
- Ingredients
- Deconstruction of multiples
- Definitional tests
- Descriptional tests
Post class test and solution
Weekly Challenge #6
Multiple: Definitional test Weekly Challenge
Review session for Quiz 2
Review session for the second quiz
  1. Review presentation
  2. Past Quiz 2s
  3. Solution to Past Quiz 2s
16 (10/28/13)
Video podcast (downloadable) (Podcast had no slides. Replaced with webcast made in my office)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)
Take the second quiz and check out the solution as well as the distribution of grades for the class. Packet 2: 19-33
Analysis of multiples
- PE ratio for a high growth firm
- Determinants of PE ratios
- Comparing PE across markets and time
Post class test and solution
Valuation of the week #9

The cheapest food company? A relative valuation!
Raw data on food companies (Cap IQ)
Multiples & fundamentals for food companies
Predicted PE ratios for food companies

17 (10/30/13)
Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)
Relative Valuation IIa: Test Packet 2: 34-68
- EV multiples
- Comparables - Choices
- Applications
Post class test and solution
Weekly Challenge #7
Relative valuation Weekly challenge
Mystery Project (Due November 13 at 5 pm)
The mystery project Data for mystery project

Valuation Tools Webcast #11: EV, Firm Value and Equity Value

The "value" embedded in a multiple can be the value of the entire firm, the value of its operating assets (enterprise value) or the value of the equity. In this webcast, we look at the differences between the three and why you may use one over the other. Blog post on topic
Excel spreadsheet
18 (11/4/13)
Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)
Relative Valuation IIIa: Test Packet 2: 69-106
Sector regressions: Unstable or young sectors
Market regressions
Picking the right multiple
Relative versus Intrinsic value
Sector versus Market value
Asset based valuation: Introduction
Post class test and solution
Valuation of the week #10

US Bank raw data
Descriptive Statistics
Correlation matrix
Scatter Plots
Predicted values and under/over valuations

Try your hand at the raw data if you can get better predictions
19 (11/6/13)
Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)
Private Company Valuation: A test Packet 2: 109-140
Sum of the parts value: Relative vs DCF value
Valuing private businesses
- The missing pieces
- Why motive matters
- Private to private transactions
Post class test and solution
Weekly Challenge # 8 Relative Valuation versus DCF valuation Weekly challenge

Valuation Tools Webcast #12: Multiples and Fundamentals - Analyzing relationships

When asked the value a company, relative to other companies, one of the biggest challenges you face is in assessing and analyzing the data. In this presentation, I looks at steps in analysis.
  1. Presentation
  2. Bank raw data
  3. Descriptive Statistics
20 (11/11/13)
Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)
Private Company Valuation II: Test Packet 2: 141-End
Packet 3: 1- 13

Valuing an initial public offering (IPO)
- Valuation issues
- Pricing issues
VC to IPO valuation
Introduction to real options

Post class test and solution
Valuation of the week #11
The Price of Growth : Blog post
Growth Breakdown spreadsheet
Netflix financial summary
A growth breakdown of Netflix
21 (11/13/13)
Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)
Real Options: Introduction Packet 3: 14-37
Options in investment analysis
- The option to delay
- A patent as an option
- Natural resource reserves as options
Post class test and solution
Weekly Challenge #9
Private company valuation
Review session for Quiz 3
Review session for the second quiz
  1. Review presentation
  2. Past Quiz 3s
  3. Solution to Past Quiz 3s
Valuation Tools Webcast #13: Valuing Patents as Options
The exclusive rights to produce a product or provide a service can provide the owner with "optionality", allowing for a premium on top of a discounted cash flow value. In this webcast, I look at a simplified example.
  1. Presentation
  2. Spreadsheet

22 (11/18/13)
(Skip the first 31 minutes of the webcast. That is the quiz time)
Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Take the third quiz and check out the solution as well as the distribution of grades for the class. Packet 3: 38-55
More on real options
- The option to expand
- The option to abandon
- Financial flexibility as an option
Post class test and solution
Valuation of the week #12

Exxon: Summary of valuation
Exxon Mobil: 10K
Exxon Mobil: Financial Summary (Bloomberg)
Exxon Mobil: DCF valuation
Exxon Mobil: Option discussion
Exxon Mobil: Relative Valuation

Berkshire's latest value investment
23 (11/20/13)
Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)
Real Options II: Test Packet 3: 56-84

Valuing Financial Flexibility as an Option
Equity as a liquidaiton option
- Set up
- Implications for investors
- Extending to the real world
- Implications for distressed investing

Post class test and solution
Valuation Tools Webcast #14: Valuing Distressed Equity as an Option
With money-losing companies, with a lot of debt, equity takes on the characteristics of a call option (to liquidate the business). In this webcast, I look at the mechanics of applying this approach to a troubled company.
  1. Jet India Financials
  2. Jet DCF valuation
  3. Jet Option valuation
24 (12/2/13)
Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)
Acquisition tests Packet 3: 85-115

Acquisition Valuation
- Common valuation errors
- Synergy & Control
- Ego & Value

Post class test and solution
25 (12/4/13)
Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)
Value Enhancement: Test Packet 3: 116-144
Value enhancement
- Price versus Value Enhancement
- Ways of enhancing value
- The expected value of control
- Implications
Post class test and solution
26 (12/9/13)
Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)
Project summaries (for entire class) Closing Presentation
Closing Presentation
- Dante meets DCF (Ten tests of valuation)
- Project findings
Review session for Final
Review session for the second quiz
  1. Review presentation
  2. Past finals
  3. Solution to past finals
Final Exam (12/13/13)

Take the final exam & check the solution.
Check your grade with the grade checker.