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Web Casts

As technology and my own grasp of its powers improve, I have also started putting more of my material into webcasts. All of the listed webcasts are mine, though a couple are hosted by outside servers. You should not need a password or userid for the class or subject websasts. If you have trouble downloading the webcasts, try a different browser (Google Chrome, in particular, seems to have trouble with some of the webcasts).

Online Classes

During the last year, I have turned my attention to creating classes that are focused entirely for an online audience, with its specific needs (shorter videos, more punchy presentations).

  1. Valuation class: I just finished a valuation class which the Stern School of Business invested generously enough (by paying for a professional camera person & editor). The sessions are still being worked on and the link will appear when the sessions are all ready (hopefully very soon). The class closely resembles my regular MBA class in structure, with 15-20 minute lectures replacing the 80 minute versions that you see for the regular class.
    Online valuation class
  2. Investment Philosophies: This is a class that I have always wanted to teach in a classroom, but rather than wait for that day, I decided to put together an online class. To get to the class, click on one of the links below:
    1. Online Investment Philosophies class (Stripped down version with just webcasts/tests)
    2. Symynd/Wiley version (Packaged with book)
  3. Corporate Finance: I will be working on the sessions for this class later this year, as I work on the fourth edition of my Applied Corporate Finance book. Hope to have the sessions up and running by early next year, when the book should be coming out:
    Online Corporate Finance class (Coming soon)

Semester long MBA Classes
Starting in the fall of 2001, my corporate finance and equity classes have been web cast. You can track the current semester's classes and use the presentations that go with the class. If the current semester is ongoing, the previous semester's classes are also archived. If you are trying to take this class online, you will probably have better luck accessing the archived semester's classes (rather than the current one).

Spring 2014
Corporate Finance

Fall 2013 (archived)

Spring 2013 (archived)
Corporate Finance

Executive Classes

The webcasts of a shorter executive ( three-day) valuation seminar and a three-day corporate finance seminar can also be downloaded. The formet covered primarily DCF valuation and is available in six three-hour sessions and the latter is a condensed version of my regular corporate finance class and is composed of six 3-hour sessions.

Executive Valuation seminars - June 2013
Executive Corporate Finance class - January 2014

Valuation Tools

I also have short webcasts on tools/topics in valuation, dealing with primarily the nuts and bolts issues including how to read a 10K, how to create a trailing 12-month financial statement, how to convert leases to debt etc. You can find them at the link below:

Valuation tools

Session on teaching

Every year, I do a session on the art and craft of teaching. Since teaching is one of my passions, I enjoy talking about it and what I have learned about it over the last three decades.

Session at Link to presentation Slides to accompany presentation
Baruch College (2006) Webcast of session Slides (in pdf format)

Subject Matter Webcasts/ Podcasts
The following are short podcasts (webcasts), ranging from 20-40 minutes to length that cover multiple topics in valuation. Note that this is a work in progress and the links will show up as the webcasts go online, at the rate of about one a week.

Topic Webcast Supporting Presentations/ Material
Introductory Material
Corporate Finance
Portfolio Management
Corporate Finance Basics
Valuation Basics
Portfolio Management
Acquisition Valuation
Value Creation/Destruction in Acquisitons Acquirers' Anonymous: Seven Steps to Sobriety
Cost of capital
Webcasts (8) on estimating cost of capital Supporting material on estimating cost of capital
DCF Valuation
Valuation: A short introduction Presentation
P&G valuation (Excel)
P&G Yahoo! Finance data: Income statements, Balance Sheet and Key Statistics
Relative Valuation
The use and misuse of multiples Presentation
Real Options
Real Options in Valuation
Introduction to Real Options

AIMR Presentations

For the last few years, I have done an annual webcast for AIMR. While you have to visit the AIMR site to see these webcasts, the material for the webcasts can be downloaded here:

  1. Valuing companies with negative eanings, no history and no comparables: Amazon in early 2000
  2. The Effect of Information on Value: An update on the Amazon valuation: January 2001
  3. Dealing with Distress in Valuation: Global Crossing in 2002
  4. Loose Ends in Valuation

Webcasts of outside sessions

There are webcasts that I have done over time for different units that are online. I don't control any of these videos but you can access them by going to the sites

Relative Valuation: FMA (from 2004 meetings)
The Dark Side of Valuation (Session from Stern Alumni meeting, Mumbai)

Snippets of my presentations and lectures are now on Youtube. Given how dynamic that space is, I will not try to direct you to specific stops. Needless to say, if you do do find a YouTube piece that has me saying or doing anything that is not my forte (such as playing the Phantom of the Opera),skip over it very quickly. We all have our competitive advantages, and singing is not one of mine.