- Productivity Dispersion and Plant Selection (revise and resubmit at the Journal of Political Economy)
- How Do Electricity Shortages Affect Productivity? Evidence from India (posted 01/15/14) joint with Hunt Allcott, and Stephen D. O’Connell (revise and resubmit at the American Economic Review).
- An Alternating Offers Representation of the Nash-in-Nash Bargaining Solution (posted 08/24/14) joint with Gautam Gowrisankaran and Robin S. Lee.
Published Papers
- Reallocation and Technology: Evidence from the US Steel Industry (posted 12/19/13, forthcoming at the American Economic Review)- joint with Jan De Loecker, with Online Appendix .
- Demand Fluctuations in the Ready-Mix Concrete Industry, Econometrica (2013) pp. 1003–1037, with Online Appendix .
- Dynamic Inputs and Resource (Mis)Allocation (posted 10/08/13, forthcoming at the Journal of Political Economy), joint with John Asker and Jan De Loecker
- Mergers and Sunk Costs: An application to the ready-mix concrete industry (posted 10/13/13, forthcoming at the American Economic Journal: Micro ) Note: Superseeds "Using Panel Data to Estimate Entry Models". The Replication Description and the zip archive is here (32 MB) .
- Child Adoption Matching: Preferences for Gender and Race - joint with Mariagiovanna Baccara, Leeat Yariv and Leonardo Felli, American Economic Journal: Applied, 2014, Vol. 6(3), pp. 133-58. And, an Online Appendix and a data appendix
- Mergers in Two-Sided Markets: An Application to the Canadian Newspaper Industry , joint with Ambarish Chandra. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, vol. 18(4), p. 1045-1070. An online appendix Online Appendix Mergers in Two-Sided Markets is also available.
- Comment on Arradillas-Lopez and Tamer Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Jul 2008, Vol. 26, No. 3: 307–310.
Online appendix , and Commentary on related literature. Earlier version: Productivity Volatility and the Misallocation of Resources in Developing Economies .