Natalia Levina


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This page was last updated on 10/10/05.

Context Interchange Project with Dr. Stuart Madnick and Dr. Michael Siegel, MIT.

Related Publications

Context Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in the Context Interchange System


In the last few years the number of data sources (traditional database systems, data feeds, and applications providing structured or semi-structured data) has increased dramatically. This is has been spurred on by various factors. For example, ease of access to the Internet (which is emerging as the de facto global information infrastructure) and the rise of new organizational forms (e.g. networked organizations) which mandate new ways of sharing and managing information. Users of these sources expect each system to understand requests stated in their own terms, using their own concepts of how the world is structured. 

The COIN project seeks to address this problem by consolidating distributed data sources and providing a unified view to them. COIN technology presents all data sources as SQL databases by providing generic wrappers for them. The COIN model also defines a novel approach for integrating these disparate data sources by providing logical connectivity (the ability to exchange data meaningfully) among them.