Book Reviews |
The Evolution of a New Industry (2013)
- "This book presents extremely ambitious research-well-executed and thoughtfully analyzed.
It develops a novel argument that offers fresh insights about the Israeli high-technology sector while contributing to our understanding of industry evolution and entrepreneurship."
- M.Diane Burton, Cornell University.
- "Drori, Ellis, and Shapira have produced a masterful piece of scholarship. They explicate development of the Israeli high technology cluster at a fundamental level. We are left with a better the evolutionary understanding of how entrepreneurial know-how is passed from firm to firm and how the environment influences this process.
This is a must read for any student of entrepreneurship and technology policy."
- Brent Goldfarb, University of Maryland
- "Economies that have seen strikingly superior growth offer, perhaps, the most promising source of economic guidance for other nations. Israel is surely one of the most evident examples of this, and the authors' command of the pertinent information is impressive.
Their book provides insights that will be invaluable to planners, other economists, and readers concerned with improving growth prospects in their own societies.&guot
- William J. Baumol, New York University,
Princeton University, and author of The Microtheory of Innovative Entrepreneurship
- "The Israeli high-tech sector has been a remarkable global success, with more Nasdaq-listed companies than anywhere else outside of North America. This book traces the family trees of over 700 companies to nine original 'patriarchs.' It uncovers enduring family legacies in the companies' organization and practices, and reveals the fact that families rooted in the more competitive and globalized period in Israel's history, after 1977,
were more entrepreneurial than those that grew up in Israel's earlier days. A fascinating take on quintessential questions facing economies today."
- Jerry Davis, Ross School of Business, The University of Michigan
Organizational Cognition: Computation and Interpretation (2000)
- "...this book provides a fascinating story of the emergence of theoretical constructs, metaphors, and paradigms in a topical area of organizational research....If the purpose of this book is to be provocative and motivational to scholars in this area, I think it succeeds. Research directions and issues are identified; numerous conceptualizations meriting tests are proposed. The importance of the study of cognition in organizations is firmly established, and...the challenge is laid out and will hopefully inspire interested parties."
- Personnel Psychology
- "Organizational Cognition is a collection of chapters written by scholars from around the world. The editors outline the history of two approaches to the study of cognition in organizations, the computational approach and the interpretive approach. The chapters represent some of the most cutting-edge research on organizational cognition, covering research that spans many levels of analysis. Much of the work in the book demonstrates how computational and interpretive approaches can be combined in a way that provides greater insight into cognitive processes in and among organizations. The editors conclude by elaborating the likely boundary conditions of each approach and how they can be combined for a more complete understanding of cognition in organizations."
- Psychology Press
Technological Innovation: Oversights and Foresights (1997)
- "This book is about technological innovations. It is set against a background of contemporary technological turbulence and numerous attempts to describe the genesis of various changes in technology that have been observed. It represents an attempt to make sense of technological dynamism that appears to be endemic to the times and to provide some plausible suggestions for managing it.
This book can be read with profit by anyone interested in how such innovation can be understood and shaped. From a rich base of empirical cases and theoretical frames, the authors produce a portrait of modern technology and its development in a (predominately) democratic political system and a (predominately) market economy. But the book is simultaneously a book about history, particularly about the ways conscious actions, intentions, luck, and knowledge affect the course of history. Many of the ideas could as easily be used to talk about the development of religious movements, political institutions, or scientific paradigms."
- James G. March
Organizational Decision Making (1996)
- "For any scholars who are interested in the process of decision making within organizations, Organizational Decision Making is required reading, for it covers the breadth of the field extremely well.
I found this book to be an excellent reflection of the field, containing many novel and compelling insights. Shapira's collection was useful to me in better understanding organizational decision making. I encourage all scholars of decision making to read this book and to engage in the debate about the nature and future of the field."
- Contemporary Psychology, V61.43 No.2 Feb. 1998
- "I began by calling this a terrific book, and it is. It contains the seeds for numerous dissertations - questions begging to be examined more closely. Whether you simply want to understand current thought about organizational decision making or are looking for promising research opportunities, this book is the place to look."
- American Journal of Psychology, Vol III No.1 Spr 1998
- "Shapira's edited volume provides a critical integration of the contemporary area of organizational decision making, with a clear focus on whether organizational decision making differ from individual decision making as studied in the behavioral decision research area.Organizational Decision Making is required reading for any scholar interested in how decisions are made in organizations. The book covers the breadth of the field extremely well. In addition, behavioral decision researchers are well advised to read this book to place the study of individual decision making in perspective.
- Administrative Science Quarterly, March 1999
Risk Taking: A Managerial Perspective (1995)
- "This is a scholarly masterpiece - combining the best classic and current research and theory on risk taking and applying it to real problems in the complex world of the modern manager. Shapira offers a novel approach to thinking about risk from the manager's point of view."
- Aministrative Science Quarterly
- "Shapira did something too rare in work on risk and decision making: He collected real data from real decision makers."
- Academy of Management Review
- "[A]n original perspective to the study of managerial decision making... A new and valued contribution to the literature. All serious scholars of risk should read this book."
- Contemporary Psychology
- "Shapira's book gives very good insights into the decision making process of managers... Students of decision theory and managers will find this book informative and worthwhile read."
- Journal of Behavioral Decision Making
- "This excellent book is recommended to students and professors of decision making, to physicians and lawers who deal with uncertainty, and in particular to managers and those who aspire to be senior executives."
- Haaretz