New York University
Stern School of Business
Dept. of Management
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Zur Shapira


William Berkley Professor of Management

  Book Publications:
  • Organizational Cognition: Computation and interpretation.  (Ed. With T. Lant), Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum (2000).

  • Technological Learning:  Oversights and Foresights.  (Ed. with R. Garud and P. Nayyar), New York: Cambridge University Press.  (1997); Paperback edition (2008).

  • Organizational Decision Making. (Ed.), New York: Cambridge University Press. (1997); Paperback edition (2002).

  • Risk Taking: A Managerial Perspective. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, (1995); Paperback edition 1997); Hebrew Edition: Tel Aviv, Tcherikover Publishers, (2000).
  Recent Articles and Chapters:
  • Dushnitsky, G. & Shapira, Z. (in press). "Entrepreneurial finance meets organizational reality: Comparing investment practices by corporate and independent venture capitalists." Strategic Management Journal.

  • Lampel, J., Shamsie, J. & Shapira, Z. (in press). “Experiencing the improbably: Rare events and organizational learning.” Organization Science.

  • Denrell, J. & Z. Shapira. (2009). “Performance Sampling and Bimodal Duration Dependence.” Journal of mathematical Sociology, 33, 38-63.

  • Shapira, Z. (2008). “Understanding theories of organizational action: Introductory essay.” In J. G. March (Ed.), Understanding organizations. Stanford, CA.: Stanford University Press.

  • Shapira, Z. (2008). “Behavioral decision theory and organizational decision making.” In G. Hodgkinson & W. Starbuck (eds.) Handbook of organizational decision making. Oxford University Press.

  • Shapira, Z. & Venezia, I. (2008). “On the preference for Full-Coverage policies: Why do people buy too much insurance?Journal of Economic Psychology, 29, 747-761. (abridged version published in NYU Stern Magazine)

  • Lant, T. & Shapira, Z. (2008). “Managerial reasoning about aspirations and expectations.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organizations, 66, 60-73.

  • Venezia, I. & Shapira, Z. (2007). “On the behavioral differences between professional and amateur investors after the weekend.” Journal of Banking and Finance, 31, 1417-1426.
  • Shapira, Z. Maini, A. & May, C. (1997, revised 2006).  "MAWACS-The deal of the century."  Daimler Benz Publishing.

  • Shapira, Z. (1999), "Talia Technology and the Retinal Thickness Analyzer."  New York University: Berkley Center for Entrepreneurial Studies.
  Working Papers
  • Galai, D. & Z. Shapira (July 2009). “The effect of possible litigation and potential bonuses on the behavior of corporate directors: A conceptual analysis.”

  • Shapira, Z. & M. Shaver (January 2009). "Confounding charges in averages with marginal effects: Anchoring within strategic investment assessments."

  • Boyle, M. & Z . Shapira (December 2008) “The peril of betting to win: Aspiration and survival in Jeopardy! Tournament of champions.”

  • Seshadri, S., Shapira, Z. & C. Tucci (July 2008). “Are flatter organizations more innovative? Hierarchical depth and the importance of R&D ideas.”

  • Conley, C. & Z. Shapira (March 2008). “Perception of price movement and prediction of future stock prices: An experimental analysis.”