For each indicator, we present a measure of importance, definition,
related indicators, source, frequency, availability, direction relative
to the business cycle (procyclical, counter-cyclical, acyclical), timing
(coincident, lagging or leading indicator), volatility, likely impact on
financial markets (bond prices, stock prices and the exchange rate), ability
to affect markets, analysis of the indicator and links to WEB sources (data,
charts, graphs and analysis of the indicator).
National Association of Purchasing Managers
Housing Starts (/Building Permits)
(Business) Productivity and Costs
Personal Income and Consumption Expenditures
Index of Leading Economic Indicators
Factory Orders (and Manufacturing Inventories)
Business Inventories (and Sales)
International Trade (Exports, Imports, Trade Balance)
Import/Export Price Indexes
Current Account
Monetary Aggregates
Wholesale Trade Sales