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CF exams


Quiz Ground Rules: Read this before you take your first quiz . It should tell you everything you need to know about taking or missing a quiz.

Quiz dates: Check your syllabus.

Past quizzes and exams: I have included just about every quiz I have ever given in my corporate finance classes below. The solutions are also available. Enjoy!!!! (I used to give midterms before I wised up and they are included as well....)

A Plan of Action: You have limited time and working through every past quiz/exam is impossible to do. Here is a more time-efficient plan:

  1. Review your lecture notes first
  2. Start with the most recent quiz/exam and work backwards. The material is closer to what you will be tested on.
  3. You can use the solutions as a crutch for the first quiz or two, but wean yourself off the solutions and see if you can put a time limit on your quiz taking time.

You can download the files in portable document format (pdf) format, if you have Adobe Acrobat installed. If you do not have an Acrobat reader, you can obtain it free of charge at http://www.adobe.com. The solutions are in excel format.

Midterms (1986-97) Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Final Exam
Past Midterms Past Quizzes Past Quizzes Past Quizzes Past Finals
Solutions Solutions Solutions Solutions Solutions