The primary set of additional readings and problems provided by the instructor for this course can be linked to in the B40.3331 Readings and Coursepack page. Students should first focus their readings on material from this Coursepack. Additional readings may be linked to below. Some of these readings may be particularly useful for students who are experiencing difficulties with the lectures and Coursepack. In addition, there are more exercises in the B40.3331 Additional Problems page . Students who are interested in more advanced or other readings in finance not necessarily related to this course can link to Professor Teall's recommended readings . There may also be a few readings on this recommended list that would be useful for this course. Readings will be added here from time-to-time.
The material here is provided in *.pdf format which can be downloaded by selecting the appropriate links. After downloading, you will need to access this material with Adobe Acrobat Reader . If you do not have this program, it can be downloaded without cost by linking to Adobe's site , selecting the "Get Acrobat Reader link" and following instructions. Feel free to report any difficulties to or obtain any needed assistance from John Teall .
Check this page regularly because more materials will be added as the term progresses.
Links to Additional Readings
and Problems
Perhaps the most important set of readings for this course is from
the Readings and Coursepack
. Exercises and solutions follow each chapter. Additional readings
are suggested here. Exercises and problems in the Elementary Mathematics
Review and FIN 396G the FIN 301 coursepacks are at the end of each chapter.
You can link to the solutions to exercises in the
Elementary Mathematics Review
. See some additional links at the bottom of this page.
All students enrolled in B40.3331 should ensure that they have adequate
preparation in introductory finance and mathematics. Reviews are available
for the course as follows
Review of prerequisite very basic quantitative material:
2 Review of Elementary Mathematics: Functions and OperationsThe following is review material from an introductory finance course:
4 Time Value of Money
4.A Introduction and Future Value
4.B Simple Interest
4.C Compound Interest
4.D Fractional Period Compounding of Interest
Application 4.1 APY and Bank Account Comparisons
4.E Continuous Compounding of Interest
4.F Annuity Future Values
Application 4.2 Planning for Retirement
4.G Discounting and Present Value
4.H Present Value of a Series of Cash
4.I Annuity Present Values
Application 4.3 Planning for Retirement, Part
Application 4.4 Valuing a Bond
4.J Amortization
Application 4.5 Determining the Mortgage Payment
4.K Perpetuity Models
4.L Single Stage Growth Models
Application 4.6 Stock Valuation Models
4.M Multiple Stage Growth Models
Appendix 4.A Time Value Spreadsheet Applications
5 Return, Risk and Co-movement
5.A Return on Investment
Application 5.1
Fund Performance
5.B Geometric Mean Return on Investment
Application 5.2 Fund Performance, Part II
5.C Internal Rate of Return
5.D Bond Yields
5.E Introduction to Risk
5.F Expected Return
5.G Variance and Standard Deviation
5.H Historical Variance and Standard Deviation
5.I Covariance
5.J Coefficient of Correlation and Coefficient
of Determination
Appendix 5.A Return and Risk Spreadsheet Applications
II. Additional Readings and Spreadsheets
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