If you buy into the premise of this book, i.e., that valuation is a craft that requires storytelling and number crunching to bring it together, you will be looking for tools. I must admit that I don't have very many on the story telling side, since I am still learning. On the number crunching side, though, I can offer help and I have listed a few items below.
My spreadsheets
Rather than drowning you with the entire list, which you can find on my website at this link,
I will list only one, with a webcast on how best to use this spreadsheet to use in valuation.
Probabilistic tools
During the course of the book, I listed probablistic tools that you can use to improve and discipline your story telling and valuation. The list of tools below is not meant to be comprehensive and I have no financial interests in any of them. My only reason for listing them is that I have enjoyed using them in valuation and I hope that you do too. If you find other tools that I am not aware of, please let me know and I will add them to this list.
Graphics and Presentation
When a valuation is just about the numbers, presenting it may be easy, but when you are telling a story and connecting it to numbers, how you present it can make a big difference in whether both story tellers and number crunchers make the connections.
An App for your Apple devices
In partnership with my good friend and colleague, Anant Sundaram, finance professor at Dartmouth, we have an App for your iPhone and iPad that allows you to do the number crunching on either device. Since neither of us is capable of writing code for an app and we have resolved to give the app away for free, the resources that we can bring to bear to improve and update the app is limited. At some point, though, we would like to see the story telling incorporated into the app.