Victor F. ARAMAN
Associate Professor
Business Information and Decision Systems
Olayan School of Business, American University of Beirut
Phone: +961 1 374 374, Ext. 37 37
Email:va03 at aub dot edu dot lb
My research interests are in Applied Probability and Stochastic Modeling, including topics such as Performance of Queueing Systems | Dynamic Pricing | Revenue and Capacity Management.
Below is a list of papers that I have been involved in (including working papers).
2016 - Scheduled Traffic with Heavy-Tailed Perturbations, work in progress, with Peter W. Glynn
2014 - On the Maximum of a Random Walk with Medium-Tailed Distributions, work in progress
2012 - Fractional Brownian Motion with H<1/2 as Limit of Scheduled Traffic, accepted for publication J. Appl. Probab., with Peter W. Glynn (pdf)
2006 - Tail Asymptotics for the Maximum of Perturbed Random Walk, Ann. App. Probab. Vol. 16, no. 3, with Peter W. Glynn (pdf)
2005 - Diffusion Approximations for the Maximum of Perturbed Random Walk, Adv. in Appl. Probab. 37, no. 3, 663-680, with Peter W. Glynn (pdf)
Stochastic Modeling
2017 - Sequential Testing of a Poisson Process Under a Discounted Bayes Risk, work in progress, with Rene Caldentey
2016 -
Crowdvoting New Product Introduction,
submitted for publication,
Rene Caldentey (pdf)
2016 -
Intertemporal Price Discrimination with Time-Varying Valuations,
submitted for publication,
Bassam Fayad (pdf)
2011 -
Cost-per-Impression Pricing and Campaign Delivery for Online Display
submitted for publication,
Kristin Fridgeirsdottir (pdf)
2010 - Revenue Management with Incomplete Demand Information,
Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science
(EORMS), edited by J.J. Cochrane
et al.
with Rene Caldentey
2010 - Stochastic Revenue Management for Media Broadcasting,
12, no. 2, (2010),
with Ioana Popescu
2005 - Capacity and Inventory Management in the presence of a Long-term Channel and a Spot Market, work in progress, with Ozalp Ozer (pdf)
2002 - Supplier and Procurement Risk Management: Optimal Long-Term and Spot-Market Mix, with Jochen Kleinknecht, and Ram Akella (2002) (pdf)
2002 - B2B Markets: Procurement and Supplier Risk Management, Book Chapter, "Supply Chain Management- Applications and Algorithms", edited by Joseph Geunes, H. Edwin Romeijn and Panos Kouvelis, Kluwer Academic Publishers, with Jochen Kleinknecht, and Ram Akella (2002)